emperor is balduran. Though if what people are saying and there's a conversation, before Orpheus is free, where the emperor explicitly joins the brain then I concede the point. emperor is balduran

Though if what people are saying and there's a conversation, before Orpheus is free, where the emperor explicitly joins the brain then I concede the pointemperor is balduran  He is no longer "Balduran" and is now only part of the Elder Brain

It's just that everyone in Faerun considers a mind flayer to be an "it" , rather than an actual individual. The butter knife line is actually a very clever piece of foreshadowing for the revelation that The Emperor is actually Balduran, the founder of the titular city of Baldur's Gate who has been. From what I understand of mind flayers, they get memories from the brains they devour. The Baldurans were a race of mammalian humanoids from the Expansion Region planet Baldur. #baldur's gate 3 #bg3 #bg3 raphael #bg3 the emperor #bg3 orpheus. He is no longer "Balduran" and is now only part of the Elder Brain. He still can't. às 11:47 every. The Emperor is not Balduran. Stun Immunity. So as we meet the emperor turns out he's Balduran the founder of baldur's gate turned into a mindflayer long ago. Joined: Oct 2020. Certainly transforming made him more ruthless and. However, a surprising turn of events quickly unfolds: The Emperor killed Ansur. He’s a mind flayer. What happens if you let The Emperor Dream Visitor Die Baldur's Gate 3 video. Warning: spoilers for the end of the game and the specific identity of the Emperor! So, depending on if you follow Wyll’s character quest through to the end, you might learn something about the identity of the Emperor. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. Wearer is immune to Crits. Afterward, the Emperor can be spoken to, where they will show flashbacks to. emperorapologist asked: may i humbly ask for my favorite malewife mansplain. I thought that the emperor was making up some BS background story about being an adventurer, but no it turns out he's the founder of Baldur's Gate itself. It feels like Balduran wants freedom while the Illithid he has become chooses to be a slave rather than potentially dying by the hand of Orpheus. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. This makes The Emperor's motivations seem very confusing and contradictory. Further, if as the Emperor said, Balduran was captured by an Illithid colony at Moonrise while searching for treasure, how was Ketharic able to use the fort without falling victim to a Mind Flayer attack? Finally, wtf was the point of the Shadow Curse?. For a few reasons. If you act cool, its the easier path, sadly there is no option to clap him at the end of the game (there is one where you are a mind flayer). (potentially big spoilers) I really just feel like it’s a whole cop out. Take a look between the two characters in your first screenshot and see who is lying in bed between them. What Emperor asks you is to become partial-illithid in that scene. Anyways in the cut scenes the emperor is stabbed and beaten to death by the citizens of baldur's gate along with non descript generic illthids. There is no romance dialogue at the end, nor does my TAV has the option to do anything with them. So either the Emperor is a straight male or a gay girl (or bisexual or whatever the fuck, doesn't matter. so either Balduran the legendary Explorer just wanted to rob a temple in a town full of peopleor he wasn't going to. He was Balduran, a great adventurer and founder of Baldur's Gate. Baldur’s Gate was founded by an explorer named Balduran who built a wall . , 11:47 every. We see this through his trials in Wyrm's Rock and also by the fact his best friend was a good-aligned metallic dragon. The discussion is, basically, paraphrased: "I don't trust you. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. Ansur himself makes it very clear that he was the instigator and that the Emperor acted out of self-preservation. The Emperor is one of them as he retains the memories of Balduran and is heavily connected with him. So in act 3, it’s revealed that the Emperor/Guardian was Balduran before they turned. So if you free Orpheus it makes sense for. the model used for Balduran during the Wyrmway quest, where the Emperor is revealed to be Balduran, is present as a character in the end cutscene of the game. The Emperor is just one of them, and there's a particularly surprising reveal that sets the stage. This is the legendary hero Balduran, the founder of Baldur's Gate. #2. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. The Emperor himself: he is Balduran, yet Balduran was adventuring in the year(s) 1000s-1100, he was also prominently featured as dead and gone in Tales of the Sword Coast where he was allegedly infected with lycanthropy, he was also human, so he is long dead. Balduran, or The Emperor now, grew to accept his. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ?. Did you know you can romance a Mind Flayer? Watch this video to find out what a love scene with The Emperor / The Guardian looks like :) !Note: I quickly add. The Emperor's choice was between killing Ansur or being killed by Ansur, not between being an Illithid or not. See a recent post on Tumblr from @thistlearts about balduran. Moonrise towers and the surrounding City were built 150~ years ago by Ketheric BEFORE he lost it. The butter knife line is actually a very clever piece of foreshadowing for the revelation that The Emperor is actually Balduran, the founder of the titular city of Baldur's Gate who has been. dude has zero integrity, lmao. If betrayed the Emperor immediately shows their true colors, and joins the villains. Balduran's Vitality: The helmet heals you 2 hit points every turn. . Search. As The Legend of Ansur says, The Dragon’s Sanctum is history begging to be unearthed. Wearer is immune to Crits. Along with his sword and armor, Balduran's shield was stolen from a museum in the city of Baldur's Gate. It seems Larian might have improved the flow of the game at cost to the ending. We see this through his trials in Wyrm's Rock and also by the fact his best friend was a good-aligned metallic dragon. She's been playing like 13th dimension chess and planned for the Emperor to rebel and recruit tadpoled-empowered adventurers to help him get one of the Netherstones from the Dead Three Chosen. So, in case you didn’t know there is a quest you can receive if you manage to save Duke Ravenguard. . I mostly enjoyed the. Far from being created for the games that bear its name, the city of Baldur's Gate has been a part of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting since it was first published. Edited as of 09. During. He killed one in self-defense and mind controlled another all to continue his existence. Far from being created for the games that bear its name, the city of Baldur's Gate has been a part of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting since it was first published. Dude isn't Balduran, he's just a mind flayer with his memories who uses everyone around him and discards anyone who doesn't wanna tell him that he's right all the time. As The Legend of Ansur says, The Dragon’s Sanctum is history begging to be unearthed. Could not avert his fate. If you. You can do what the Emperor failed to do, and what the original Balduran might have done. Memories of Balduran only amount to learning one spell when you become a mind flayer i guess 😂. (potentially big spoilers) I really just feel like it’s a whole cop out. So my first playthrough I broke Wylls pact and ended up not freeing his dad in the iron throne but in this playthrough I did. 6 comments. Our Illthid Guardian - the Emperor - is fucking Balduran? Balduran the founder? And Balduran is the one that killed Ansur? WHAT THE HELL. The Emperor is being manipulative again when he claims that Orpheus will immediately attempt to kill all of us. It is cataclysmic. He couldn't let it go that Balduran was a mind flayer and alive. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. suprpiwi. If I remember correctly, in the first Game set in the 1360s DR, it was discovered that Balduran shipwrecked during an unfortunate expedition and that his crew got cursed/infected. I gather Orpheus just stopped giving The Emperor his protection and he fell back under control of the brain. The Emperor talks about how he wanted freedom but settled to be a slave when Tav has made up their mind. A hero’s heart entombed, waiting underground to fulfill an oath of eld: the great wyrm would aid Baldur’s Gate in its time of need. Deep under Baldur's Gate is the Wyrmway, a dungeon filled with puzzles, an undead dragon called Ansur, and a lot of lore about the founder of Baldur's Gate: Balduran. This is canon now btw. That said, Mind Flayers only live like ~150 years max and there is a book "Evading the Elder Brain" that says the Emperor was enslaved under the Elder Brain for 13 3/4 years before escaping to Baldurs Gate. Is it the soul, or is it his memories, his way of thinking, his emotions, his personality? Emperor's means and feelings don't come from the elder brain, and his most important component belongs to Balduran, so I'd still be willing to. another trick from the Emperor. The good points : - He is an ex adventurer/hero bearing the name Balduran, that much has been proven not only by his remaining belongings but also by the wyrm in Baldur's Gate. I mean in every way it matters he basically is Balduran. No, players learn, he is calling The Emperor that, for The Emperor was Anduran's greatest ally in his past life, the found of Baldur's Gate, Balduran. His former allies did not accept him, so one tried to kill him, and the other wanted to turn him in. This isn't me asking if some remnant of Balduran exists inside of the Emperor, but rather if Balduran is even his origin in the first place. Molly the Orphan / Eugenie Kenridge…. The most logical answer is a time dilation between the material and astral plains, or at least the astral prison. Apparently the tadpoles have souls so yeah. (I know some people don't have the same values, but what is missing is a non-negotiable staple of the genre in my eyes) Re: Daisy, the Absolute, and the Emperor [SPOILERS] Nerovar # 881410 15/08/23 10:40 PM. Take a look between the two characters in your first screenshot and see who is lying in bed between them. StannisLivesOn. Discover more posts about bg3 the emperor, bg3 emperor, mind flayer, the emperor bg3, the emperor, balduran, and illithid. They don't think they do and most when they die would rather assimilate into an Elder Brain. Who, let us say, is mightily pissed even after all these years. The Emperor is just a typical illithid. I somehow think emperor just inherited the worst parts of Balduran but the best parts (the merits in the trial) are lost. It seems Larian might have improved the flow of the game at cost to the ending. And Baldur's fate now turns upon. After Ansur's death, Balduran came to be called the Emperor as he used his. . dude has zero integrity, lmao. Basically emperor pulled Vader out of Anakin and lived as Vader ever since. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. . These lines are of course about. The Emperor is actually Balduran - yeah, the Balduran who founded Baldur's Gate - and he was once infected by the mind flayer colony in Moonrise Towers and only broke free because Ansur, a dragon ally of Balduran, broke him free. He ends up getting tadpoled himself, but comes to enjoy his now Illithid form, though he hates being enslaved by an Elder Brain. Ansur: Have you come to dance on my bones, Balduran? Was slaying me not satisfaction enough? However, the truly startling revelation comes in Act 3 when you are tasked by Duke Ravenguard to find and secure the help of the mighty Bronze Dragon named Ansur - companion of Balduran,. At the start of each of your turns, the helm magically heals you for 2 hit points, keeping you standing strong even against repeated blows. . About the emperor…. - He is an Illithid, which means that his. The Emperor wants you to be as powerful as possible no matter what, because he knows how tough the end fight is. The most logical answer is a time dilation between the material and astral plains, or at least the astral prison. suprpiwi. Baldur’s Gate 3, as any good CRPG, is filled with fantastic loot to kit out every possible race and class combination possible. Spoiler: The Emperor is LITERALLY Balduran. Bhaal Cultist Bloodmopper…. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. That's just stupid. K. Ansur tried to mercy kill him in his sleep. And the Emperor told him to be free and fly away instead of suffering next to him. He wants to be free of the Elder Brain's control. The Emperor's Sword +2. At the end The Emperor is just like “well people here won’t like me so I’m out somewhere” and walks away. The Emperor was once the great adventurer and founder of Baldur's Gate, Balduran. Mind flayers seem to have remnants of the personality of their victim, so perhaps more mind flayers would attempt to exist peacefully if it weren't for the elder brains turning them all. Upon entering the prison, turn left and you should see 2 dragonhead torches flanking a bare wall. And, apparently, the dude who murdered his best friend, the Bronze Dragon Ansur. Use lightning spells on both torches to turn their flames blue. My mind is blown after I fought Ansur. With the Emperor the door for such content is rather closed since the guy does not want to corrupt you like Daisy. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. suprpiwi. Bronze Dragon Ansur reveals Emperor hidden secret Baldur's Gat. So to conclude, here's why I think BG3 is a complete reversal of the BG franchise: BG and BG2 have accidental depth due to D&D ruleset, while BG3 have depth built in as a design feature. The Emperor might even want the best for Baldur's Gate, as far as he sees it. . Yeah that was pretty shocking. Head through the main door and face Ansur. Mediocre Mar 25, 2021 @ 7:36am. dude has zero integrity, lmao. From what I understand of mind flayers, they get memories from the brains they devour. A knave, a wizard, devil, gith. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. In the final path when you fail to dominate the brain, he offers for you to take Orpheus's power as your own. Named after Balduran, the tower could be reached by a bridge from the western shore linking it to the mainland. I hadn’t gotten that far and based on what I know of the guy, I didn’t think that was possible and it still doesn’t make any sense based on previous lore. Traversing this trap and puzzled-filled area will eventually lead the party to Ansur, a powerful dragon boss. So the Emperor is not really Balduran, it’s the tadpole that’s using. 3. dude has zero integrity, lmao. It is accompanied by a montage of him enslaving Duke Stellmane. 2023 with information regarding Balduran's/Emperor's lifespan being way, way longer than it should. #2. New recommendations Song Video Search. Context clues really suggest that Balduran took the initiative and killed Ansur in. you get a bit of interesting lore about the Emperor. The Emperor may have Balduran's memories, he may even believe he is Balduran, but Balduran died when he turned. dude has zero integrity, lmao. — Yasmin Mwanza. What a reveal. He's a monster with the memories of a man, who uses that knowledge to manipulate people similar to the kind of man his memories belonged to, because he knows how they tick. Ansur and the Emperor, Balduran, have had their friendship sour by the Illithid curse. A hero’s heart entombed, waiting underground to fulfill an oath of eld: the great wyrm would aid Baldur’s Gate in its time of need. Orpheus would've never spare the Emperor. That said, the Emperor shares nothing of Balduran's original traits. The choice was obvious. Warning: spoilers for the end of the game and the specific identity of the Emperor! So, depending on if you follow Wyll’s character quest through to the end, you might learn something about the identity of the Emperor. Deep under Baldur's Gate is the Wyrmway, a dungeon filled with puzzles, an undead dragon called Ansur, and a lot of lore about the founder of Baldur's Gate: Balduran. I don't think so. He hasn't been a mindflayer for that long. Balduran's Giantslayer - 6-19 slashing; on hit, double the damage from your Strength modifier; gain advantage on attack rolls against large, huge, and gargantuan creatures; +3 weapon enchantment. According to his own words, he was turned into an illithid while searching for treasures at Moonrise Towers. And The Emperor does seem to have a lot of his memories but, I was under the impression that when you undergo ceremorphosis, your brain is eaten and replaced by the mindflayer tadpole. But no such cure. . Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove! Re: Romance with the Emperor, the Mind Flayer. When talking to the dragon, you figure out that the Emperor was actually Balduran himself. Joined: Jan 2023. Ansur and Balduran . Which felt out of character for my TAV who did genuinely grow to love them. Delving into. Miloch Posts: 863. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. Joined: Oct 2023. Am I the only one that was completely blindsided by the fact that I was so sad reading the letter on Ansurs body. . Apparently the tadpoles have souls so yeah. " even if you pick a Background like Outlander which contradicts it by Stating "You grew up in the wilds. But. And The Emperor does seem to have a lot of his memories but, I was under the impression that when you undergo ceremorphosis, your brain is eaten and replaced by the mindflayer tadpole. When Withers says they're soulless it's not an entire truth but it's close to it. Balor was the sun god of the Fomorians. Of course, legendary. The thing is, Ansur wouldn't have stopped either. The Emperor having a set of cutlery that he thinks very. Just as the party is coming to grips with working with a mind flayer, BG3 throws another twist with the Emperor at the team. Yet once again, because of the fact that Balduran leaves, he seems genuinely afraid of Orpheus or somehow sees him as a bigger threat than the netherbrain to warrant him joining it. . The truth is, Orpheus will immediately attempt to kill only him . #2. v 11. dude has zero integrity, lmao. But when you get inside, you. The Wyrmway was built to honor the oathbound duty of Ansur, where he had resided for a long while, until Ansur helped the Emperor break free from the Elder Brain. Ansur addresses the Emperor as Balduran, prompting a response that the name's resurgence was unexpected, especially from a familiar voice. The whims of fortune's few. Balduran died when his brain was eaten. 2- he and Balduran where in hiding/isolation for years or even decades at that point 3-surprise attack. Balduran, or The Emperor now, grew to accept his. But the reveal that the Emperor was Balduran, the founder of the city, just feels fanfiction levels of contrived. A hero’s heart entombed, waiting underground to fulfill an oath of eld: the great wyrm would aid Baldur’s Gate in its time of need. The Emperor has not once lied to us, only concealed matters he determined to be irrelevant to our cause. But game's not over yet. He mapped a number of islands on his route. it is believed that his mother gave the. I guess technically the first brain the parasite that became The Emperor devoured was Balduran's, so it may not be Balduran but it has his memories. Not that long ago, she was desperate to be rid of the tadpole in her head, but now, she is no longer sure. Ansur tried to mercy kill him in his sleep. As commenter Wutras points out, the Song of Balduran, which plays in the Elfsong Tavern camp, pretty much spells the damn thing out word for word. So our guardian became the emperor storyline. The first thing to understand is the Emperor's List of Priorities : Survival. Ansur: Have you come to dance on my bones, Balduran? Was slaying me not satisfaction enough? However, the truly startling revelation comes in Act 3 when you are tasked by Duke Ravenguard to find and secure the help of the mighty Bronze Dragon named Ansur - companion of Balduran, the founder of the city. Act 3. Balduran's Giantslayer is an excellent weapon with the power to confront almost any larger creature. The Emperor's Sword +2. The emperor is a great npc. every. Emperor was not an anomaly, it was part of the (grand)design. Stun Immunity. Balduran as the emperor also doesn't make SENSE. I mostly enjoyed the. The Emperor is exceptional in this regard, he has a unique personality shaped by his origins. He landed on the continent known as Anchorome an…The Emperor's Identity : r/BaldursGate3 by gigaritt SPOILER The Emperor's Identity This obviously is a huge spoiler and if you have not progressed act 3 far or have no rescued. Argumentatively, he’s well written as the emperor, but poorly written/developed as Balduran. 1- the soul is destroyed when he became a ilithid, or his soul became an ilithid soul, whatever the case he can’t bring Balduran back, just (maybe) The Emperor. Baldur's Gate 3 Secret Scene - The Emperor is Balduran Creator of Baldur's Gate // Killing a Dragon Gate 3 - All Charact. After escaping the control of the Elder Brain for the first time, the mind flayer. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ?. Here's the most interesting thing, with the Emperor's case. First, go to Wyrm’s Rock Fortress and head down to the prison. Astrail Plane; On top of Nether Brain . The Emperor is a cunning, manipulative survivalist throughout the whole game (and shown in his backstory with Belynne Stelmane where they used to be allies in this evil cult masquerading as a trade enterprise, before he took over the way you do in evil cults, by mind controlling the competition) but he is not chaotic evil. Language: English. Bosses in BG3 are powerful enemies that have increased health and pose a bigger challenge for players. I loved the quest and the trials, and I think it goes to show that YOU -- not this long dead champion whose been twisted beyond recognition -- are the hero of the story. . The past matters, him trying to force you to become a mind flayer matters, him murdering "allies" matter as you're supposed to be one of his allies. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ?. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. •. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ?. It seems Larian might have improved the flow of the game at cost to the ending. . Balduran's Favour: You have a + 1 bonus to AC and Saving Throws. As goofy as it sounds, the name of the founder is Balduran and not simply Baldur. Balduran, or The Emperor now, grew to accept his. Empi wants to destroy the netherbrain. Traversing this trap and puzzled-filled area will eventually lead the party to Ansur, a powerful dragon boss. old hand. You are person with tadpole in the head. Obviously the emperor is dead too but IMO he was kind of an asshole for choosing power over his best friend (Ansur). dude has zero integrity, lmao. I am one of the weird ones who decided to romance Balduran/The Emperor and I’m not sure. dude has zero integrity, lmao. Characters need to master certain Proficiency before. 19. Ansur wanted to find a way to reverse this process and bring balduran back. Remember, you freed Orpheus and the only reason any of you are able to resist is. He sired Ethniu, who mated with the. I mostly enjoyed the. The game's mechanics and story. Balduran's Giantslayer is a legendary greatsword that receives doubled damage bonus from Strength, grants its wielder the Giant Form class action and the Topple the Big Folk weapon action, as well as Advantage on Attack rolls against Large, Huge, and Gargantuan creatures. Shopping. Just because he was a heroic dragon doesn't mean he wasn't completely intolerant of Balduran's ilithidness. Balduran's Favour: You have a + 1 bonus to AC and Saving Throws. The butter knife line is actually a very clever piece of foreshadowing for the revelation that The Emperor is actually Balduran, the founder of the titular city of Baldur's Gate who has been turned into a mind flayer, but has broken free from the elder brain to take down The Absolute. By this point in the game, players will. The massive Seatower of Balduran rested on a rocky island in the bay of Baldur's Gate. So if you free Orpheus it makes sense for. Our guide discusses whether or not you should help the Emperor Mind Flayer in Baldur's Gate 3, as. . This opens a secret passage. Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove! Re: Romance with the Emperor, the Mind Flayer. The Emperor is not Balduran though. It's time to try Tumblr. During Act 1 and Act 2, The Emperor only "meets" with the player as the Dream Visitor. wtf. Now hope is gone, or so it seems. But the Emperor is not Balduran. Ms. The Emperor is featured (but unnamed) as the evil entity that entralled Selmane in the adventure Murder in Baldur's Gate. Balduran might have been a decent dude. For Catarina, this story comes to light with a shadow of deepest dread. Since the Emperor's true identity is Balduran, the founder of Baldur's Gate, I assume that he must've been a mindflayer for hundreds of years before meeting Tav. He wants to be free of the Elder Brain's control. Balduran's Vitality: The helmet heals you 2 hit points every turn. But the reveal that the Emperor was Balduran, the founder of the city, just feels fanfiction levels of contrived. I think Balduran’s Gate rolls off. ok so the dragon lair part really fucked me up, i m sure that emperor is lying but i m always unsure which part he is lying about. Wyll saying "thank Balduran" is foreshadowing because the Emperor is the one protecting all the tadpoled companions. A well-known adventurer, Mind Flayers transformed him into one of them when he ventured into the Moonrise Towers. He still can't. Anyways in the cut scenes the emperor is stabbed and beaten to death by the citizens of baldur's gate along with non descript generic illthids. There are 4 things the Emperor treasures the most: Survival, Independence, Acceptance and Ambition. Balduran/The Emperor interacts with the main character as a central plot device, and gives the player a very important item. Stun immunity. Tw: this post is 90% spoilers about the Emperor. The fact that he is Balduran seems so. Thank you to Ixal for pointing this out. at least initially. It is why he became an undead. Published Sep 25, 2023 Throughout Baldur's Gate 3, the party is kept safe and aided by the mysterious Emperor, but who are they, and should they be saved at a crucial point?. Baldurian. ) I've read that articles refer to it as a he, but then why does he take a female form as the dream visitor? Balduran's Giantslayer in Baldur's Gate is a great legendary weapon for any 2H melee user, but it's much more than just a handy combat tool. In the final fight I didn't kill the emperor before jumping into the portal. Helm of Balduran . cfehunter Aug 19 @ 11:45am. I gather Orpheus just stopped giving The Emperor his protection and he fell back under control of the brain. . . That just makes the most sense to me considering the tadpole, um, logistics. But the Emperor, unlike all other Mind Flayers, has retained the identity of the host completely, and identifies himself as Balduran. . . idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ?. I gather Orpheus just stopped giving The Emperor his protection and he fell back under control of the brain. idk, unnecessary? forced? out of nowhere? I mean the one guy who helps us and happens to be an illithid is also the guy who founded the damn city ? Isn't it a bit much? On a side note, when he joins the Netherbrain in the end if you refuse to give him the stones. These companions quests are WAY too fucking good. Gather your party and return to the Forgotten Realms in a tale of fellowship and betrayal, sacrifice and survival, and the lure of absolute power. #2. Ansur was the one who tried to kill him in his sleep. Ms. If you hold that the Emperor is not Balduran (i. Ansur, Balduran's dragon companion recognise him when you meet him. So while something of the person pre-soul loss remains, it's a twisted, amoral version of them, with only their darker impulses left. Let's consider the Emperor before his transformation.